Final Report Summary: A New Dynamic Enterprise

Recipient: A New Dynamic Enterprise
Project: Transitions Lifeshop
Province: Alberta
Period: Fiscal year 2018-2019
Funding: $190,723


A New Dynamic Enterprise (ANDE) was founded in 2011 out of a recognition that organizational change happens within the context of relationships and opportunities to bring that recognition to workplace environment. ANDE implemented Transitions Lifeshop - a two and a half day retreat with eight to ten participants and one facilitator. The workshop techniques used neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) to tap into limiting beliefs, meta-programs and identify unproductive habits, patterns and stress triggers.

Project Goals:

The participants participate in a series of exercises that will enable them to:

  • Recognize how transition challenges our sense of identity;
  • Embrace transition as a wonderful opportunity for growth;
  • Remind participants why they chose to make the change;
  • Learn to create mind-maps as a way forward to eliminate limiting beliefs;
  • Identify and build a unique support system; and
  • Become vulnerable and connected to the other participants of the Transitions Lifeshop.

Project Activities:

In order to achieve these goals, ANDE:

  • Researched and reviewed current literature on military career transition;
  • Identified common issues and challenges;
  • Adapted the existing framework for the program;
  • Created a scaffolding format for training to address varying needs of women Veterans;
  • Operationalized the program for delivery;
  • Developed a process for building capacity for Department of National Defense to deliver the program (Train the Trainer);
  • Created resources to accompany program modules – manuals, handouts, training resources for activities; and
  • Developed a formative and summative evaluation process to assess effectiveness of program (Plan, Do, Check, Act)

Project Results:

Fourteen Transition Lifeshop and 23 follow-up sessions were conducted during the reporting time frame. A total of 117 women have participated and the new groups have subsequently met numerous times without any facilitation.