Recipients of the 2021-2022 Veteran Family Well-Being Fund

Meet the organizations that received funding from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund in 2021-2022:

  1. Assembly of First Nations
    The Assembly of First Nations is a national advocacy organization representing 630 First Nations communities across Canada. Funding from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund will allow the Assembly of First Nations to improve services and communications to First Nations Veterans and to learn from First Nations Veterans about what supports are required to meet their needs.
  2. Calgary Veterans Services Society
    The Calgary Veterans Services Society operates a food bank and services for Veterans residing in the province of Alberta. With funding from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund, they will further assist Alberta Veterans by expanding their services beyond the food bank to include financial support, employment services and training, PTSD evaluation support, sexual assault support and psychological and peer support.
  3. Canadian Virtual Hospice
    The Canadian Virtual Hospice is a division of the International Centre for Dignity and Palliative Care. Funding from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund will allow this organization to expand online support options for grieving Veterans and their families. This includes creating greater accessibility for Veterans with brain injuries, mental health issues or who are coping with trauma.
  4. Can Praxis
    Can Praxis provides mental health recovery programs for Veterans and their families who are living with occupational stress injuries (OSI), such as PTSD. The funding received from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund will support their project “Breaking the Cycle: The Family Program”. This program will provide children of Veterans with an OSI with education and tools to understand their parent's injury.
  5. Centre CASA
    Established in 1995, Centre CASA is an addiction prevention and treatment centre located in Québec. With funding from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund, they will implement expanded services for addiction treatment tailored to the needs of Veterans and their families.
  6. Camp Tanamakoon Charitable Foundation o/a Camp Maple Leaf
    Camp Maple Leaf is an overnight summer camp providing programs for children ages 7 to 16 from Canadian military and Veteran families. Camp Maple Leaf brings together children with similar experiences and challenges, providing them with an opportunity to make new friends and enjoy a week of outdoor fun, learning and adventure with those who share some of their unique life experiences. Funding from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund will allow this organization to provide this program in Atlantic Canada and in Alberta.
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  7. Clinemetrica Inc.
    Clinemetrica's primary goal is to help people attain their best possible physical and mental health throughout their lives. With funding from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund, Clinemetrica will provide an online health promotion program to support the physical and mental health of women Veterans and their family members to help them recover from the social isolation of the pandemic.
  8. Fondation Québécoise des Vétérans
    Foundation Québécoise des Vétérans is located in Montreal, QC and funds various therapeutic, social and commemorative programs for Veterans. The funding they receive from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund will be used to help reduce the rate of isolation and suicide among women Veterans by encouraging local organizations to provide resources tailored to their unique needs.
  9. Fredericton Homeless Shelters Inc.
    Fredericton Homeless Shelters will use funding from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund to support its project “Continuum of Care for Vets”. Veterans are taken from homelessness, and are transitioned through a series of steps into permanent housing. Veterans are assessed, connected to mental health supports, addiction supports, stabilized and are shown behavior modifications.
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  10. Free Spirit Therapeutic Riding Association
    Free Spirit Therapeutic Riding Association provides programming to enhance physical, emotional, educational and social development through therapeutic riding, equine assisted learning and psychotherapy and horsemanship within Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia. Funding from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund will provide the opportunity for 64 women Veterans to participate in this 18-month program
  11. Helmets to Hardhats
    Helmets to Hardhats Canada, based in Ottawa, ON, provides opportunities in the construction and related industries for serving, transitioning and former military. They will use funding from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund to assist Women and 2SLGBTQI+ Veterans with finding rewarding skilled trades career opportunities across Canada .
  12. Homes for Heroes Foundation - Calgary
    Homes for Heroes Foundation, based in Calgary, AB, integrate homeless Veterans into the community through the provision of housing (via tiny home villages) and support services. With funding from the Veteran and Family Well-being Fund, this organization will support Veterans in the Calgary Veterans' Villages by providing services such as counselling, helping Veterans achieve personal goals, and addressing individual needs. These resources will help to ensure the Veteran's success in living independently in the long term.
  13. Homes for Heroes Foundation - Halifax
    Homes for Heroes Foundation integrate homeless Veterans into the community through the provision of housing (via tiny home villages) and support services. With funding from the Veteran and Family Well-being Fund, this organization will support Veterans in the Halifax Veterans' Villages by providing services such as counselling, helping Veterans achieve personal goals, and addressing individual needs. These resources will help to ensure the Veteran's success in living independently in the long term.
  14. Homes for Heroes Foundation - Winnipeg
    Homes for Heroes Foundation, based in Calgary, AB, integrate homeless Veterans into the community through the provision of housing (via tiny home villages) and support services. With funding from the Veteran and Family Well-being Fund, this organization will support Veterans in the Winnipeg Veterans' Villages by providing services such as counselling, helping Veterans achieve personal goals, and addressing individual needs. These resources will help to ensure the Veteran's success in living independently in the long term.
  15. Quatre-chemins
    Quatre-chemins is a non-profit organization whose mission is to transform the transition experience for people coming from high-performance backgrounds such as sport, the military and business. Funding from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund will be used to hold workshops that assist women Veterans to meaningfully apply their skills and experience following their release from the Canadian Armed Forces.
  16. LakeCity Employment Services Association
    LakeCity Employment Services Association supports people living with mental illness to build on their strengths and access work experience, education, and employment. Funding from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund will allow this organization to provide therapeutic woodworking programming to 36 Veterans living with PTSD or other mental health challenges.
  17. Lest We Forget Community Veterans Committee, PEI
    Lest We Forget Community Veterans Committee is a non-profit charitable organization committed to ensuring all PEI veterans who served, are serving, and will yet serve, will never be forgotten. Funding from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund will be used to establish and support the PEI Veterans Success Centre, to provide various entrepreneurship and employment services specifically designed to meet the unique needs of Island Veterans
  18. Morrow Consulting and Training Inc.
    Based in Quebec, Morrow Consulting and Training Inc. provides accessible, affordable health and fitness training across Canada and builds a positive, collective space for Veterans to interact with other Veterans to improve their overall health and well-being. Morrow Consulting and Training Inc. will use the Veteran and Family Well-Being funding to implement The A.T.H.E.N.A. Program, which aims to dramatically improve the health and well-being of female Canadian Armed Forces Veterans. This program will offer personalized, online coaching with expert coaches and each participant will learn how to mitigate long term health issues.
  19. Nova Seven Arts Council
    Nova Seven Arts Council, also known as 7Arts, is a community art space located in Greenwood, Nova Scotia. This organization will use funding from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund to implement their project “Life Through a Mask: An Introduction to Expressive Arts Therapy with Medically Releasing Military Personnel and Veterans” to introduce art as a safe, expressive outlet for the military and Veteran community.
  20. Ottawa Innercity Ministries
    The Ottawa Innercity Ministries will use funding from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund to initiate “Operation Inclusion, an initiative geared towards reaching out to all Veterans across Ottawa including ill and injured Veterans. Weekly social activities and regular excursions for Veterans will be organized with the express purpose of addressing the rise in social isolation, anxiety and mental health difficulties faced by homeless and at-risk and ill and injured Veterans, increasingly so since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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  21. Perley Health
    Perley Health is a long-term care home and seniors' village with a long and honoured tradition of serving War Service Overseas Veterans. With funding from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund, this organization will conduct research to better understand the determinants of older Veteran and family health to ensure their needs are better met by the health system, policies, and programs in Canada.
  22. Prince's Trust Canada
    Prince's Trust Canada will use funding from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund to implement their project Operation Entrepreneur: National Veteran Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Strategy. This ecosystem is a network of supports designed to help Veterans overcome barriers in their transition from military service so that they become effective, successful entrepreneurs with a new civilian mission.
  23. Respect Forum
    The Respect Campaign, based in Montreal, QC, will use funding from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund for its Respect Forum: From Networking to Effectiveness, a national networking initiative designed to promote collaborative approaches to service delivery for Veterans, first responders, and their families.
  24. Roland Gossage Foundation
    With funding from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund, the Ontario based Roland Gossage Foundation will provide their program “Soldiers in the Arts” to use theatre as a way to address traumatic stress and related problems encountered by Veterans and their loved ones. Participants will come together, attend acting workshops, learn the inner workings of a stage production and provide a live showcase of the material. Participants will bond and come together as a team to foster a positive and inclusive environment.
  25. Serene View Ranch
    Serene View Ranch in Stratford, PE will use funding from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund to provide community-based multidisciplinary, multi-modal, individualized and culturally sensitive trauma treatment for Indigenous Veterans and women Veterans and ultimately disseminate these programs to mental health clinics across Canada.
  26. Strongest Families Institute
    The Strongest Families Institute is an award-winning charity grounded in 20 years of social science research in the field of e-mental health. Funding from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund will allow Strongest Families Institute to improve access to e-mental health services to Veterans and their families, targeting anxiety, depression and behaviour challenges with a focus on children
  27. Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center
    Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center located in Toronto, ON is the largest Veterans' care facility in Canada. Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre will use funding from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund to provide group and individual yoga therapy to Veterans with the goal of supporting independence, increasing mobility, reducing risk of falls, and improving mood and overall quality of life. In addition, it will offer a therapeutic yoga program to family members to address caregiver burnout and to support overall well-being, as well as to staff members, who are reporting greater levels of stress and burnout from being on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  28. Sunnybrook Veterans Centre, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
    The Sunnybrook Foundation has the largest Veterans' care facility in Canada offering long-term and complex care to Canadian Veterans. With funding from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund, Sunnybrook Veterans Centre will design and implement an interprofessional approach to reduce the risk of isolation for Veterans and other seniors when they are required to undergo a period of quarantine for medical reasons. A secondary objective is to support and empower front line staff in their role as caregivers as they engage to build and maintain rapport with quarantined Veterans
  29. Team Rubicon Canada
    Team Rubicon Canada is a community-based organization that unites the skills and experiences of volunteering Veterans to rapidly deploy emergency response teams. The funding they receive from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund will provide specialized emergency management training, education, and experiential learning through both expanded, and refined course offerings, coupled with field leadership opportunities for Veterans. This project will involve program development, as well as program delivery to support the employability of Veterans
  30. The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 110
    The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 110 will use funding from the Veteran and Family Well-being Fund for its Veterans' Wives Support Group, which provides support and coaching to Veteran caregivers and women Veterans.
  31. The Saint John Human Development Council
    The Saint John Human Development Council identifies and addresses social issues in New Brunswick through research, information, coordination and networking. With funding from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund, they will form a Veteran Connections Team to identify and collect data on homeless Veterans living in the communities of Fredericton, Moncton, and Saint John. They will coordinate with existing homelessness reduction efforts, and integrate Veteran support services into a broader community system.
  32. Veteran Farm Project Society
    The Veteran Farm Project located in Nova Scotia gives Veterans the opportunity to experience nature through horticulture programs. The funding from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund will allow the Veteran Farm Project to continue supporting Veterans and especially women Veterans with a safe environment to come together, have new experiences, meet new friends and learn about themselves after service.
  33. Veterans Association Food Bank
    The Veterans Association Food Bank is dedicated to supporting and enriching the lives of Veterans and their families by providing services that promote wellbeing, mental health, peer support and food security. The funding from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund will help develop new programming specifically to support 2SLGBTQI+ Veterans as well as survivors of Military Sexual Trauma and to implement new peer-led activities in Edmonton and Calgary.
  34. Veterans Transition Network
    The Veterans Transition Network delivers mental health services specifically for Veterans from coast to coast. With funding from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund, this organization will deliver and evaluate a promising new mental health and transition program for Veterans suffering from magnified mental health challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic
  35. Veterans Emergency Transition Services (VETS Canada)
    Veteran Emergency Transition Services Canada is a federally registered non-profit charity that works within Canadian communities to identify homeless Veterans, provide them with emergency support, and quickly re-establish the bond that exists between soldiers. VETS Canada will use the funding from the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund to offer their Equal Treatment for All program. This project focuses on Indigenous, women and 2SLGBTQI+ Veterans and their families who are homeless, at risk of homelessness or otherwise in crisis.
  36. Wounded Warriors Canada
    Wounded Warriors Canada is a national mental health service provider using clinical best practices and evidence-based care to create an environment of compassion, resiliency and hope for Canada's Veterans, First Responders and their families. Funding from the Veteran and Family Well-Being will allow Wounded Warriors to implement the “Warrior Kids Program”, which designed for children exposed to the secondary effects of trauma as a result of a Veteran or First Responder parent struggling with the effects of operational stress injuries such as PTSD.