Record of Discussion - 27 October 2022

27 October 2022
12:00-14:30 (ET)

Advisory Group on Families Members

  • Lieutenant (Retired) Robert Bell
  • Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Steven Deschamps
  • Laryssa Lamrock
  • Laurie Ogilvie, Military Family Services
  • Nora Spinks
  • Lieutenant Commander (Retired) Charls Gendron, Royal Canadian Legion
  • Colonel (Retired) Telah Morrison (Co-Chair)
  • Yvonne Watson


  • Namita Joshi, True Patriot Love Foundation
  • Tamara Kleinschmidt, Trenton Military Family Resource Centre
  • Superintendent (Retired) Dave LeBlanc, RCMP Veterans Association
  • Jenny Migneault

Office of the Minister of Veterans Affairs

  • Michael Unsworth, Special Assistant – Northern & Western, Minister’s Office
  • Jonathan Wiseman, Special Assistant, Minister’s Office

Veterans Affairs Canada Officials

  • Faith McIntyre, Director General, Communications Division (Co-chair)
  • Samuel Duguay, Analyst, Stakeholder Engagement and Outreach, Communications Division


  • Jessica Ingersoll, Manager, Policy, Policy and Research Division


  • Joanne Ghiz, Office of the Veterans Ombudsperson

Opening Remarks (Plenary)

(Members of all six Ministerial Advisory Groups met in plenary and both the Minster and the Deputy Minister of Veterans Affairs brought greetings and provided updates. The Assistant Deputy Minister, Commemoration and Public Affairs discussed procedural items and how to conduct the vote for a Member Co-chair.)

  • The Deputy Minister welcomed the members and acknowledged that the land from which he was speaking is unceded Mi’kmaq territory; he also acknowledged the ancestral and unceded territory of all Inuit, Métis, and First Nations people and took a moment to recognize the importance of these lands that we all call home.
  • He thanked the members for their understanding given that the meeting was rescheduled from September to October. He also acknowledged the value of stakeholder feedback and highlighted the important role of advisory group members to contribute and influence positive change. The Deputy Minister then introduced Minister Lawrence MacAulay.

Remarks from Minister MacAulay

  • Minister MacAulay welcomed members, thanked them for their commitment, and acknowledged that the work of the advisory groups will make a real difference. He also highlighted that the advisory groups are a space to speak freely and share thoughts and ideas to help the Department live up to its commitment to respect and deliver care to Veterans and their families.
  • The Minister acknowledged the ongoing priority of reducing the backlog, which has decreased by 50 percent since 2020. He also highlighted the recent 43 million dollar investment to address the evolving needs of Veterans.
  • The Minister thanked those who helped secure Juno Beach as commemorative grounds and acknowledged their importance for education.
  • He highlighted the success of the new Mental Health Benefit, which offers automatic support to Veterans to ensure they receive the help where and when they need it.
  • The Minister highlighted key priorities from his mandate letter, including improving performance and client experience for Veterans and their families, ensuring Veterans have access to benefits and services, recognizing and commemorating the efforts of Veterans with a focus on underrepresented Veterans, addressing Veterans homelessness, and launching the Veterans employment strategy.
  • The Minister acknowledged that there is a lot more work to do, and that he and the Department value the Ministerial advisory groups as key assets in ensuring progress continues. He acknowledged the evolving needs of the Veteran community and wants to hear from members on how the Department can best serve Veterans and their families. The advisory groups were created to provide the Department insight, advice, and recommendations on the issues facing Veterans and their families, so it’s important that members speak freely. He then thanked members for their commitment and contributions.

Closing Plenary Remarks

  • The Deputy Minister thanked Minister MacAulay and then provided some additional updates and recent developments, specifically the unveiling of the final bronze caribou monument was unveiled in Gallipoli in September.
  • He addressed a recent news story on Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) and underlined that the Department took immediate action to apologize to the Veteran and immediately investigate.
  • The Deputy then provided updates on recent senior appointments at VAC, including Ken MacKillop, the new Associate Deputy Minister, and Pierre Tessier the new Assistant Deputy Minister of Strategic Policy, Planning, and Performance.
  • The Assistant Deputy Minister, Commemoration and Public Affairs, then spoke to procedural items concerning the terms of reference for the advisory groups and the in-camera selection of member co-chairs. She also referenced the Code of Conduct which members are expected to adhere to.
  • Advisory Group members were then transferred to their individual breakout rooms.

Selection of Member Co-chair (in camera)

  • Telah Morrison was nominated as the new Member Co-Chair for the Advisory Group on families.

Opening Remarks

  • The VAC Co-Chair opened the meeting, welcomed all members and announced the member co-chair.
  • The VAC Co-Chair reminded members to familiarize themselves with the Code of Conduct and highlighted the importance of non-disclosure, possible conflicts of interest, and integrity.
  • She noted the confidentiality agreement clause and confirmed that it is up to the members to determine whether or not they feel an official and signed confidentiality agreement is needed or if respecting the Terms of Reference and Code of Conduct is sufficient. The topic will be revisited for discussion after members have had time to review.
  • The VAC Co-Chair also confirmed that alternates can attend meetings at the discretion and approval of the Co-Chairs.
  • The VAC Co-Chair reviewed the agenda for the meeting and introduced Jessica Ingersoll, a Manager in the Policy and Research Division who presented on supports for Veteran Families and Caregivers. The presentation provided a foundation and context to frame the future work of the advisory group.

Presentation – Support for Veteran Families and Caregivers

  • Jessica introduced herself and highlighted the team’s work focusing on benefits and supports for families and caregivers. She presented on eligibility and the current benefits and services available to families and caregivers through Veterans Affairs Canada.
  • She noted that to date, consultations, a review of existing research, a scan of existing supports, and a review of stakeholder recommendations identified four themes; Recognition, Communication & Navigation, Knowledge & Understanding, and Supports & Benefits.
  • VAC will continue consultations using Let’s Talk Veterans to get input from Veteran families and caregivers. The next consultation on Let’s Talk Veterans will be released mid-November members are encouraged to participate and share with their networks.
  • The group was then presented with four targeted questions to generate discussion on whether VAC supports are meeting the needs of Veteran families and caregivers, and to identify areas for improvement.

Discussion Questions

  • What would you say are the common issues, barriers and/or challenges faced by Veteran families and caregivers?
  • Based on your knowledge of Veteran families and caregivers, what needs should we focus on?
  • Are you aware of any innovative approaches or initiatives that are underway to assist Veteran families and caregivers?
  • If you could do anything for Veterans’ families and caregivers, without any regulatory or financial constraints, what would you do?

Member Feedback/Discussion

  • Member shared experience with barriers in accessing medical supports for Veterans and their families. Recommends Veterans Affairs partners with Calian’s Military Family Doctor Network to improve access.
  • Member highlighted problematic wording on eligibility criteria for VIP and other programs, which states that family eligibility is linked to Veteran entitlement while the policy states that eligibility is linked to Veteran in receipt of benefit. A Veteran can be entitled but not receiving a benefit. Member recommends that families be eligible if the Veteran meets the eligibility criteria. Member also highlighted that the wording has caused false hope for many families applying for benefits.
  • Member highlighted five care categories: health care, child care, senior care, mental health, and specialty care. Member added that each category of care could be evaluated based on predictable needs, backup plan when things break down, and emergency services available with little warning. Member suggests the group create a matrix and identify what’s already available, identify potential gaps, then rank themes by priority.
  • Member identified lack of knowledge and accessibility for Veteran families as a barrier. They recommend introducing direct conduit with families and caregivers to increase awareness and accessibility. Member highlighted the importance of having family members and caregivers recognized in their own capacity.
  • Member recommends reviewing current programs and looking for ways to refresh or revamp them rather than reinventing the wheel.
  • Member recommends the group focus on adult children as their access to services is cut when they are no longer considered dependent children. Often, children do not have the capacity or maturity to process their situation, and when they get older and begin to understand the impact of their trauma, they are no longer eligible for services. Member recommends looking at finite services for family members experiencing late-onset trauma.
  • Member recommends setting up a Teams channel for the advisory group to facilitate ongoing communication.
  • Member recommends the group review projects funded through the Family and Veteran Wellbeing Fund.
  • Member highlighted the success of the United States military or Veteran connected initiative to create a sense of community. The initiative celebrates the broader community by having family and caregivers proudly identify as military or Veteran connected. Members believe the initiative could also be successful in Canada.
  • Member asked regarding an identifier and use of My VAC Account by family members. VAC co-chair agreed to follow up and provide a response.
  • Members requested the link to the Minister’s Mandate letter which will be provided before the next meeting and also information regarding projects supported by the Veteran and Family Well being fund.

Next Step and Closing Remarks

  • Members asked regarding platform to use to exchange information and to ‘chat’ between meetings. VAC Co-chair has asked SEO to follow up on options.
  • The VAC Co-chair discussed possible dates for the next meetings and highlighted the possibility of an in-person meeting if restrictions allow. Members agreed to aim for mid-January for the next meeting.
  • VAC Co-chair thanked members for their participation.