Barbara Grimster

Ms. Grimster is a retired Canadian Forces Veteran. She is a member of the Client Services Committee at the District office of Veterans Affairs Canada in Charlottetown and has been asked to remain as a member of the Veterans Ombudsman Advisory Committee. Ms. Grimster is a member of The Royal Canadian Legion Branch #1 and the Air Force Association of Canada #210 Wing. She speaks at local schools during Veterans’ Week to ensure that youth never forget the contribution of Canada’s Veterans and impresses upon them the importance of remembrance. She drives Veterans to functions at the local Royal Canadian Legion Branch, to locations where they sell poppies, and to schools to speak to students. Ms. Grimster accompanied Veterans on the Veterans/War Bride Train to Ottawa to celebrate Remembrance Day in 2006. In 2008, Ms. Grimster submitted a proposal to the Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island to plan an event to recognize the contributions of female Veterans. In June 2007, the Second World War Women Veterans Recognition Event was held at the official residence of the Lieutenant Governor, and Ms. Grimster served as master of ceremonies.