Barry Pearson

Calgary, Alberta

Barry Pearson

Barry Pearson is the son of a Second World War Veteran. He has been helping Veterans for over 40 years, though his church, the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 275, and other organizations.

Since the 1980s, he has driven Veterans of all eras to medical appointments, to meetings, shopping and to the pharmacy. He has helped clean their homes, read to Veterans, set up computers, done taxes and much more.

He offers small group counselling services, Bible Studies and prayer groups to Veterans (and their families) who suffer greatly from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), addiction issues and other mental health conditions through his church activities.

He also fundraises through his church and helps provide money for food, clothing, personal items, purchasing specialized foods, bill payments and more. Additionally, he has helped Veterans who could not afford expensive travel overseas for remembrance activities to attend these important events.

Barry has also provided food services and the preparation of meals for homeless individuals, including Veterans, working with Mustard Seed Street Ministry of Calgary and various churches in the Greater Calgary Area. Between these organizations he has helped provide thousands of meals for those less fortunate.