Captain Bradley Allan Krewench

Windsor, Ontario

Mr. Brad Krewench is a serving member of the Canadian Armed Forces and the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Adopt-a-Vet. This non-profit organization was established in 2014, after Captain Krewench went to pick up his grandmother from the long-term care facility for Veterans she resides in, for the holidays. There he noticed that many Veterans were going to spend the holidays alone and that notion did not sit well with him. Mr. Krewench and a few friends bought gifts for the Veterans and handed them out during the Christmas holidays, and Adopt-a-Vet was born.

Adopt-a-Vet members fundraise year-round and visit as many nursing homes as they can with the funds raised. They spend time visiting the Veterans, giving gifts and ensuring they take part in the joys of Christmas. The organization strives to ensure no Veteran is forgotten or feels alone, especially over the holidays.

Over the years, Mr. Krewench has been actively involved in commemorative ceremonies and Remembrance Day parades, as well as visiting Parkwood Hospital to play games with the Veterans and keep them company. He has volunteered for over 20 years to take part in the Poppy Campaign with the Royal Canadian Legion, and he helps local Legions with fundraising activities. Mr. Krewench actively seeks out Veterans who are interested in attending an airshow where a jump team he is a member of performs airborne parachute demonstrations.