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Catherine Marguerite Holt (posthumous)

Catherine Holt, a member of The Royal Canadian Legion for 50 years, was nominated for dedication to the wellbeing of Veterans and her volunteer work at Camp Hill Veterans Hospital.

A retired nurse, she was a perfect fit for the Sick and Visiting Chair position at her Legion Branch. Since 2003, she had held this title and had never looked back.

Ms. Holt spent countless hours visiting Veterans and comrades at Camp Hill and other hospitals and seniors’ residences in Halifax and Dartmouth. Prior to the Legion Branch’s monthly general meeting, she contacted all the hospitals and residences to gather updates on Veterans to present to the membership. She was actively involved in the Poppy Campaign, attended Remembrance Day ceremonies at the local cenotaph and at her church.

With the restrictions in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic, she had replaced her in-person visits with calls to the hospitals and the individual Veterans and their families. Ms. Holt passed in October 2022 at the age of 94.