Corporal (Retired) Allen Tremblay

Corporal (Retired) Allen Tremblay, is nominated for his work with Veterans UN NATO Canada and his devotion to the Veterans in his community.

Following his release, he joined the ranks of Veterans UN NATO Canada and set out to launch a Branch in the Gaspé, where he is currently the Branch President. He is always available to help Veterans and others to access services and benefits they are entitled to. He helped one of his members receive the recognition due to him by having the Peacekeeping Medal and Special Service Medal awarded to him. In 2017, Cpl Tremblay not only participated, but also gathered several Veterans for a concert featuring La musique du Royal 22e Régiment, and in 2018, he helped organize the unveiling of a plaque in honour of a local Veteran who took part in the D-Day landings. He is responsible for the annual Remembrance Day ceremony in his community.

Cpl Tremblay generously donated a substantial part of his own property to build, in collaboration with the community, a park dedicated to the 40,000 Canadians who served in Afghanistan. He landscaped the lot, built a fence, and prepared a platform to receive the only LAV III monument in Quebec.