Curtis Kleisinger

Mr. Kleisinger is a secondary school teacher and a strong supporter of commemorative activities for the past several years. He organized a fundraiser during which students collected enough funds to purchase 85 commemorative bricks at the Juno Beach Centre in France. At a cost of $250 each the bricks bear the names of members of the Regina Rifle Regiment who lost their lives during the invasion of Normandy and the Second World War. Students researched information on these soldiers from official documents and records. In 2006-07, Mr. Kleisinger organized a student trip to attend the 90th Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge in Normandy as well as tours of Canadian Battlefields in France and Belgium. The group studied local military history for one year prior to the excursion and adopted a local soldier whose gravesite they visited while on the trip. In 2008, Mr. Kleisinger organized a committee and raised funds to successfully bring Vigil 1914-1918 to Saskatchewan. From dusk to dawn, November 4th - 11th, the names of all who died in the First World War were projected onto the Provincial Legislative Building in Regina. In addition, Mr. Kleisinger plays a key role in annual Remembrance Day services in his school.