Detective Inspector (Retired) Philip Edwin George

Mr. Philip Edwin George is a Veteran of the Ontario Provincial Police and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, having served for 39 years, and he deployed to Afghanistan as part of the Afghan National Police Force Training Team.

As the Veterans Service Officer with Branch 147 of the Royal Canadian Legion in Barrie, he volunteered a lot of his time to help Veterans access programs, care and services. He also organized the annual Remembrance Day parade and took care of the Poppy Trust Fund and all responsibilities associated with the annual Poppy Campaign as Chair for both programs.

He helps manage Branch activities such as the weekly dinners, financial aid to Veterans and various organizations, Veteran visits and remembrance services.

He was elected President, and for two years he has dedicated time to the Branch Ladies Auxiliary to help coordinate their events and arrange visits with Veterans. Since his tenure as President ended, he has continued to provide guidance and training to the new Branch Executives, ensuring they successfully deliver on the Legion’s mandate to care for and support the Veteran community.