Dorothy Rodgers

London, Ontario

Mrs. Rodgers joined the ladies' auxiliary of the Army, Navy & Air Force Veterans in Canada in 1986. She developed an interest in working with Veterans who resided at Parkwood Hospital and she has volunteered her services for many years. She assists at the monthly bingo games as well as summer barbeques. Mrs. Rodgers served her Association as the social convenor and as Treasurer for 14 years. Approximately eight years ago, Mrs. Rodgers' partner volunteered to play keyboard for the Parkwood Veterans on a monthly basis. Mrs. Rodgers quickly organized a group of ladies auxiliary members to help her prepare, provide and serve sandwiches, ice cream and tea at these monthly events. Shortly after, Mrs. Rodgers began baking apple pies in her small kitchen oven for the resident Veterans. Each month on 'Apple Pie Day,' Mrs. Rodgers spends 4 hours baking ten pies in shifts, before delivering and serving them to the Veterans at Parkwood. She is affectionately known to the Veterans as "The Pie Lady".