Edla Landry

Edla Landry is nominated for her excellent contributions to commemoration and remembrance in her role as a middle school teacher. Although teaching is her profession, she consistently goes beyond her expected duties to encourage remembrance among her students and colleagues, as well as in the community.

At her school, she has organized the Remembrance Day service for the last five years. It is attended by approximately 500 students, staff and community members. As the director of the school choir, she had her group perform at the school services and the Legion Tea and Concerts.

In 2019, she organized a group of high school students to present a play she had adapted from the memoir of a local Veteran in the Veteran’s hometown. The 100 year-old Veteran also attended the performance.

For the last two decades, she has made extensive hallway displays in the school using Veterans Affairs Canada educational materials, local articles and sheet music so that students and the public can learn about the experiences of the military while walking through the school.

She has also encourages learning in the classroom, having students write commemoration themed articles to be published in the local newspapers and has booked “Discovery Boxes” from the Canadian War Museum on three occasions for her students to explore.