Faye Falshaw

Milton, Ontario

Ms. Faye Falshaw has been a Legion member at Colonel Alec Thomson Branch 82 in Port Credit for over 20 years. She is known as being a powerful advocate for The Royal Canadian Legion and for Veterans. She has been an active member of the Branch Executive for over 17 years, particularly in the role of Youth and Education Chair. This position called on her to perform many duties including organizing the longstanding tradition of the annual literary and poster contests. Through her efforts, she has involved many local school children in helping to promote the Remembrance Day service and has shown them the importance of honouring our military heritage and fostering remembrance.

Ms. Falshaw always goes above and beyond the call of duty by organizing additional events on top of the traditional contests. For instance, she raised awareness in local schools by organizing “Meet a Vet Day” and a kindergarten parade. Mrs. Falshaw has also served as a Service Officer, where her duties included advising and assisting Veterans and their spouses with Veterans Affairs Canada’s benefits and services. Mrs. Falshaw often thinks outside the box when getting Veterans the care they need. For example, she recently arranged for high school students who needed volunteer hours to help an Allied Veteran by shoveling snow and raking leaves. This is typical of Mrs. Falshaw’s determination to help Veterans and their families.

Ms. Falshaw has spearheaded the “Home of the Free, Because of the Brave,” t-shirt awareness campaign. Money raised through the program is donated to “Operation: Leave the Streets Behind” and, since its inception in 2008, the program has raised over $7,000.