George Orton

Regina, Saskatchewan

A Veteran of the Second World War, Mr. Orton has been active in the No. 1 Branch of The Royal Canadian Legion (RCL) in Regina, Saskatchewan. A tireless volunteer, Mr. Orton has held many key positions in the RCL, including those of President, Past President, Zone Commander and Deputy District Commander. He has also been on the Executive of the Air Force Association for a number of years and is a former Vice-president of the Air Force Association 600 Regina Wing. For the past 20 years, Mr. Orton has paid bi-weekly visits to over 50 Veterans who are residents at the Disabled Veterans Association Wing of the Veterans Unit at the Wascana Rehabilitation Centre. Mr. Orton is a long-time volunteer with the Poppy Campaign. As area Captain, he has participated in door-to-door campaigns, and has arranged and managed boxes at commercial places of business. For the past 10 years, he has been in charge of gathering and counting the proceeds received during the season's Poppy Campaign. For the past 19 years, Mr. Orton has delivered Meals on Wheels on behalf of his church to many, including the elderly and local Veterans. From time to time, Mr. Orton is called upon to greet Veterans from out of town, to drive them from the bus depot to their various appointments in town. Mr. Orton is a member of the Legion's Colour Party and pays his last respects at the funerals of fellow Veterans who have passed away. Mr. Orton is an outstanding volunteer, providing care and compassion to his comrades at every opportunity.