Heather Wright

Mrs. Wright is a special education assistant at Harry Miller Middle School. Fourteen years ago, Mrs. Wright started a Wall of Honour after learning that many students and staff have family members who have served or are presently serving, including her own grandfather from the First World War, her father from the Second World War, and two siblings who served in the military. She collected photographs from staff and students and placed them on display in a school hallway. Since starting the Wall of Honour, 338 photographs with descriptions of the images and where the individuals served have been collected. Mrs. Wright organizes the Remembrance Day ceremony and educates students and girl guides on Canada’s military history. She has assisted other schools in organizing their Remembrance Day services. She also encourages students to enter the local Royal Canadian Legion Branch's poster and essay contest. Mrs. Wright is a member of the Ladies Auxiliary of The Royal Canadian Legion Branch #58 and has been for more than 39 years, holding every executive position.