Howard (posthumous) and Marcella Epoch

The late Mr. Howard John Epoch was a Second World War Veteran who sat on the Board of Directors and was a Life Member of ANAVETS Branch 252 in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Mr. Epoch was an avid gardener who enjoyed sharing his fresh flowers and vegetables with Veterans in need. He was a loyal participant in Remembrance Day ceremonies and volunteered annually selling poppies and drove his comrades to the ceremonies. Mr. Epoch worked tirelessly to organize dart and cribbage tournaments and curling bonspiels, with all proceeds donated to Veterans.

Much of Mr. Epoch's work was undertaken in collaboration with this wife, Marcella. Mrs. Epoch is a 55-year member of the Ladies Auxiliary of ANAVETS. She has also been an active participant on Remembrance Day and has visited Veterans in hospitals, attended their funerals and comforted their families. With her husband, Mrs. Epoch has attended Decoration Day ceremonies for more than 50 years, placing flags on each Veteran's grave in a local cemetery in Moose Jaw. Mrs. Epoch has demonstrated to her eight children and countless others in her community her unwavering devotion to improving the welfare of Veterans and honouring their memory.