James Sheppard

Rencontre East, Newfoundland & Labrador

Mr. Sheppard is a Canadian Armed Forces Veteran. He is a strong advocate for Veterans in both his hometown and in surrounding communities, and his dedication to supporting Veterans has led to him to set up a military museum at his own expense. The museum presents information about all those from his community who have served in the military from the First World War to the present. Mr. Sheppard is a member of the Maritimes–Newfoundland and Labrador Branch of the Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada Association. He regularly visits Veterans in hospitals, including those at the Caribou Memorial Veterans Pavilion in St. John’s. He has sought out Veterans of the Korean War and has helped them compile and forward their information to receive the American Certificate of Appreciation and the Republic of Korea Medal. Each year during Veterans’ Week, Mr. Sheppard attends local school assemblies to talk to the children about remembrance and military history. On Remembrance Day 2011, Mr. Sheppard organized a ceremony at his military museum, as well as a visit for an area Cadet Corps.