John Terrence Bruce Eckstadt

Calgary, Alberta


Terry Eckstadt has committed many decades of his life toward improving the lives of Veterans and their families, through donating gift cards, providing drives to events and meetings in his personal vehicle, entertaining, and lending a kind and compassionate ear to anyone that may need it. He is a positive contributor in his community and in those who surround it.

Terry Eckstadt has helped Veterans and volunteered in his community for over 70 years, including 40 years as an advocate and member of the Royal Canadian Legion. He has done much volunteering and assisting Veterans and their families throughout Southern Alberta, particularly in Red Deer and Calgary, primarily for those who are the most chronically ill or severely disabled. He is a son and nephew to Second World War Veterans.

In his youth, Terry volunteered in his community through work at the community centre (Michener Centre), working with challenged children and adults. He provided free entertainment, snow shoveling, and lawn care for Veterans, seniors, and others in the area during the latter part of the Second World War and extending into the Korean War. He also was in the Sea (Navy) Cadets.

For over 30 years, Terry has purchased food and drink items for Veterans, especially Veterans who with lower incomes, and maintained a comforting presence in his community. For the past 50 years, Terry has purchased gift cards for homeless Veterans and seniors in the Calgary Region and during the holiday periods, he would purchase more.

Terry has spent much of his time using his personal vehicle to drive Veterans to and from various events. In 2019, he was granted the Government of Canada Citation for driving Veterans to and from the St. John Ambulance Brigade Association, and Fellowship meetings for over 22 years. Additionally, he was a designated driver when Veterans or their family members could not afford a taxi, or he would help pay for a taxi. He would take them to do their errands (or run errands for them), take them to appointments to get prescriptions, and sometimes sit with an individual during a hospital appointment. He has driven Veterans, their families, and their children to First Aid duties, Scouts Canada/Scouts International, to fundraising initiatives, ceremonies, organization meetings, and such events.

Terry was presented the Canada 150 Award in 2017 for his exceptional ability to entertain and comfort Veterans, serving personnel, and seniors. He has used his humour to help relieve their stress, used his voice to sing in 10 different locations, and lent an ear to their concerns over coffee.

He has assisted with administrative duties within the Legion, and has helped the local Cadets through monetary donations. Terry has also donated items of clothing and food, as well as his money and time, to the Legion. Terry has committed to helping Veterans for decades, and continues to be a positive contributor in his community.