Joyce Stewart

Ms. Joyce Stewart is a Veteran of the Royal Canadian Air Force, a 47-year member of the Royal Canadian Legion, and was the first female President of her Branch.

During her time with the Legion, she has been extremely involved in the day-to-day lives of Veterans and their families. She provides home-baked goods for couples who can no longer make them on their own. Mrs. Stewart made custom undergarments for a double amputee to reduce skin irritation, she would leave early from work to give a Second World War Veteran a break from caring for his wife who had dementia so he could rest or tend to chores, and much more. She focuses on each Veteran or spouse and works to accommodate each one individually.

Mrs. Stewart is involved in Legion fundraising events like the Poppy Campaign, she initiates Veterans’ appreciation dinners and seniors’ dinners with Veterans in mind, attends school Remembrance Day ceremonies and discusses her experiences with today’s youth.

Mrs. Stewart continues to give selflessly of her time, visiting those who cannot attend Remembrance Day ceremonies and attending workshops to familiarize herself with Veterans Affairs Canada protocols so she can better assist Veterans when filing claims applications. Through her personal approach, she is viewed in the local Veteran community as a listening ear for those who wish to discuss their issues and concerns without fear of judgement.