Kerri Lynn Tadeu

Kingston, Ontario

Kerri Lynn Tadeu is a registered psychiatric nurse nominated for her work with the Highway of Heroes.

In 2009, after losing her close friend, Major Michelle Knight Mendes, in Afghanistan, she set out to learn more about the sacrifices of Canadian Armed Forces members and their families. This inspired her to help people “move their trauma from pain to purpose.”

In 2016, she and two others adopted a stretch of the Highway of Heroes in honour of Major Mendes. Shortly thereafter, they adopted the entirety of the 344 kilometre Highway of Heroes.

Under the Highway of Heroes umbrella, she has organized several events and initiatives. These include “Our Nations Heroes” hockey games in 2018 and 2019 to raise funds for Veterans initiatives. She has also organized baseball games and rounds of golf in support of various Veterans’ initiatives and has spoken at various events.

In 2018, she commissioned the Highway of Heroes Memorial Globe, which tells the grassroots story of the founding of the Highway of Heroes, and has travelled to many commemorative events.