Larry O’Neill

Calgary, Alberta

Mr. Larry O’Neill has been assisting Veterans for the better part of five decades now. Whether it is doing landscaping chores, being a personal driver, or organizing local charity fundraisers, Mr. O’Neill has always been close by to lend a helping hand to a Veteran or their family.

His volunteer work has helped raise money for Veterans going through tough times so they can purchase food and pay their utilities and other bills. He helps families who cannot afford entertainment to have a night at the movies and provides access to educational support, clothing and food banks. He has also helped Veterans and their families to gain access to programs and funding in order to have specialized equipment installed in their homes.

As Chairperson for the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 275, he has worked to raise funds for the First Nation and Métis Veterans through various fundraising campaigns, ensuring they have a voice within the Veteran community in Calgary.

Mr. O’Neill chaired the Calgary Stampede committee for numerous years, providing a link between Veteran volunteers and volunteer services within Calgary.

Now visually impaired, Mr. O’Neill continues to advocate and volunteer to help the Veteran community in Calgary.