Lieutenant-Commander (Retired) Steven St. Amant

A 30-year Veteran of the Royal Canadian Navy, Mr. Steven St. Amant continues to make significant contributions to the remembrance of missing military personnel from both the First and Second World Wars.

Through his use of records, logic and field research, Mr. St. Amant has successfully identified three servicemen killed in the Great War. Through his findings, the Commonwealth War Graves Commission and the United Kingdom’s Joint Casualty and Compassionate Centre have been able to identify their graves. He has also ensured that surviving family members are found and perpetuating units are notified, allowing closure and remembrance in honour of their sacrifices. In October 2017, the graves of the three fallen servicemen were re-dedicated with military honours, and Mr. St. Amant travelled to France to attend alongside the families of the fallen.

Mr. St. Amant has also assisted the Dutch city of Sluis and the Canadian contingent at NATO Joint Force Command in Brunssum in returning personal letters found with a fallen soldier from the Second World War to the next of kin

He is now working with the Commonwealth War Graves Commission and the United Kingdom Archives to identify the missing sailors from HMCS Athabaskan, a sunken ship off the coast of France.