Major Ric Rangel-Bron C.D., SBStJ

Major Rangel-Bron is the Commanding Officer of 142 Mimico “Determination” Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron and Aide-de-Camp to the Honorary Lieutenant-General Richard Rohmer. Major Rangel-Bron has been actively involved in recognizing and supporting Canada’s Veterans and still-serving military personnel for a number of years, and he demonstrates a remarkable dedication to this cause.

In Ontario, Major Rangel-Bron assisted with the planning and delivery of commemorative events for the 60th anniversaries of D-Day and V-E Day. He later joined the Committee tasked with creating Ontario’s Veterans Memorial and subsequently the Premier’s Ceremonial Advisory Committee.

In support of Canadian Armed Forces members deployed overseas during Christmas 2006, Major Rangel-Bron created “Operation Booster Shot,” which collected hundreds of cards, messages, books, magazines, candies and chocolates for troops serving abroad. The success of this initiative prompted Major Rangel-Bron to start the “Share a Cup with a Brave Canuck” program in 2008. This program encouraged Canadians to purchase a $10 Tim Hortons’ gift card and write a message to Canadian troops in Afghanistan. Over the next five years Major Rangel-Bron received, processed and shipped over 45,000 Tim Hortons’ gift cards to Canadian Armed Forces personnel in Afghanistan.

Through his civilian job with the Toronto Paramedic Services, Major Rangel-Bron provided medical support to families and participants of the repatriation of fallen Canadian Armed Forces members. He played a role in the renaming of Ontario’s Highway 401 to the Highway of Heroes. Major Rangel-Bron also led a medical team supporting 100 Veterans returning to Normandy in 2014 to attend Veterans Affairs Canada’s commemorative ceremonies and events.

Major Rangel-Bron is dedicated to ensuring that young cadets are educated on Canada’s contribution to the First and Second World Wars. As a Canadian Armed Forces Reserve Officer, he created, coordinated and led educational and cultural trips to the United Kingdom, France and Belgium for cadets in 2008, 2012 and 2014, 2016, 2017, and 2018.