Mr. Laurent St.Amour

Montreal, Quebec

Mr. Laurent St. Amour is a Veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces. He enrolled in 1973 and served as an infantryman with the Royal 22e Régiment until 1977. He received the United Nations Forces in Cyprus medal.

Mr. St. Amour made a name for himself through his involvement in planning and organizing many motorcycle rides and Veterans’ events as road captain for Veterans UN-NATO Canada. Whether it’s for Sunday rides or a commemorative event—not just in Quebec, but also across Canada and in the United States—he constantly comes up with new initiatives for the enjoyment of the organization’s members.

For the last three years, drawing on his charisma, personality and great talent as a communicator, Mr. St. Amour has established close ties between this Veterans’ group and the national chapter of Rolling Thunder in New Jersey. This relationship is much appreciated by both organizations and their members.

His involvement and dedication within the group and the Veteran community set a fine example. Though he is the owner of a firm that demands a great deal of his time and energy, Mr. St. Amour always attends group events and commemorations.