Mr. Nelson Mullen

Mr. Mullen retired from the Canadian Forces in 1984 and assumed a second career with the Commissionaires, attaining the rank of Chief Warrant Officer. He is a very active member of the Veteran community in Nova Scotia. This past Fall, Mr. Mullen was a proud bearer of the Olympic Torch in Yarmouth. He is a founding member of the William C. Hall VC Chapter of the Canadian Association of Veterans in United Nations Peacekeeping. Mr. Mullen has served many offices in this Chapter including, treasurer, secretary, and he is currently Chapter President. In addition, Mr. Mullen is responsible for the Chapter's newsletter. Mr. Mullen has been a member of The Royal Canadian Air Force Association 107 (Valley) Wing in Greenwood for 22 years. He often takes Veterans to medical and other appointments and is regularly involved with local fundraising. Mr. Mullen attends numerous Veterans' events and proudly represents his Associations. Mr. Mullen also attends the meetings of local Veteran organizations offering to assist whenever or wherever the need may be. In February 2010 a chairlift was installed at the Greenwood Civic Centre to enable Veterans to attend regular meetings and social functions. The chairlift was made possible due to efforts by Mr. Mullen.