MWO Christopher Baird Hennebery CD

Vancouver, British Columbia

Master Warrant Officer Christopher Baird Hennebery of the Royal Westminster Regiment has made outstanding contributions to the physical and mental well-being of Canadian Armed Forces members and Veterans. This is evident not only by his participation in several Veterans’ advocacy groups but also in his effort to create his own foundation when gaps were identified.

Master Warrant Officer. Hennebery has been a Vancouver representative for the Treble Victor Group since 2013, helping Veterans achieve their full potential in the marketplace. He is also a Co-chair for the True Patriot Love Foundation, which funds mental health, physical rehabilitation, family support and Veterans’ transition initiatives to address the unique challenges related to military service. Although perhaps difficult to quantify, Master Warrant Officer Hennebery’s efforts as an executive in various organizations, such as the True Patriot Love Foundation, have directly benefitted the Canadian Armed Forces by ensuring members and Veterans have access to programs and support for mental health, physical well-being and family issues. Among other mission statements, Master Warrant Officer Hennebery has gravitated naturally toward the Foundation’s statement of pairing injured soldiers with Canadian business leaders. This was a calling for him, as he is both a soldier and business leader himself.

Master Warrant Officer Hennebery recognized a gap in the generous services provided by True Patriot Love Foundation, in that many Veterans attempting to transition from military service into a civilian career required mentorship. As a result, Warrant Officer Hennebery created the Soldier to Leader program, a Veterans Transition Network online service linking Veterans with mentors. Master Warrant Officer Hennebery uses his vast network of fellow business leaders and friends to ensure Veterans are connected with a dedicated and trusted mentor. This coordination is carried out entirely on his own time and has resulted in closing a gap and building a bridge for Veterans transitioning to civilian employment.