Parkhouse, Owen

Morell, Prince Edward Island

As a Veteran himself, former president of The Royal Canadian Legion, Morell branch, and former first vice-president of the Dominion Command, Owen Parkhouse has been very involved in the Veteran community for over 20 years.

Owen Parkhouse

Having experienced the trauma of war first-hand and suffering from the consequences of it, Owen Parkhouse decided to help other Veterans who are dealing with a similar diagnosis. In 2008, he became PEI’s first peer support coordinator with the Operational Stress Injury Social Support Service; a post he held for five years. He then became deputy chair of the Veterans Review and Appeal Board. He is passionate about helping his peers live with the emotional and mental effects of military service and continues to organize frequent “coffee sessions”.

Owen is the former president of The Royal Canadian Legion, Morell branch, and was responsible for coordinating the annual Remembrance Day service and many other Legion activities. As part of the annual Remembrance Day service, Owen promoted and reviewed student essays written for the occasion. He also organized the reception and formal dinner which take place after the ceremony. He acted as first vice-president of the Dominion Command and before that, served three years as vice-president.

Owen has worked with the Last Post Fund for six years and has severed a term as president. He is passionate about commemorating Veterans and ensures the graves of soldiers are identified. Upon the announcement of the death of Her Majesty the Queen, he organized a ceremony in his local community. He is also the recipient of the Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers.

His healthy philosophy of helping himself through helping others has led him to helping others within the community, as well through his four-year term as councillor for the Rural Municipality of Morell, and his three-year term as president of PEI’s Home and School Association.

Owen is a wonderful example of overcoming trials by working with and for others.