Philip Doddridge

Mr. Doddridge is a Second World War Veteran of the Battle of Hong Kong. He is a founding member of the Quebec and Maritime Branch of the Hong Kong Veterans Association. He has served on the Association's Executive Committee, first as Branch President and was then elected to National Vice-President. In 2002, Mr. Doddridge became National President and continues to serve in this capacity today. Mr. Doddridge founded and sits on the Board of Directors for the Bay Chaleur Military Museum. One of his hands-on activities is to locate the graves of comrades who served with him in Hong Kong and install a "Hong Kong Veteran" memorial disc on their gravestones. Mr. Doddridge also sits on the Board of Directors of the Hong Kong Veterans Commemorative Association and has been a guiding influence for the Board since its inception. A powerful speaker, Mr. Doddridge shares his wartime experiences with today's youth.