Reid Lewis

Reid Lewis is a Veteran, having served for four years with the Canadian Provost Corp. He is nominated for his dedicated service to The Royal Canadian Legion. He joined The Royal Canadian Legion in 1983 and has been a member for more than 35 years.

Since 1983, he has taken the lead on the funeral arrangements for many fellow Veterans, often volunteering as an honourary pall bearer or conducting funerals himself for those without dependents.

He later transferred to the Grandview-Collingwood Legion Branch 179, where he was immediately appointed the branch’s Service Officer. In that role, he was described as having done an “exemplary job” having helped many Veterans receive their benefits. At the Grandview-Collingwood Legion, he was also named as the branch’s Parade Marshall for the remembrance services in East Vancouver, a role where he was instrumental in helping plan the annual Remembrance Day ceremony.

He has been described as “extremely dedicated” to Veterans, both alive and passed on. He is always ready to offer his assistance.