René Rejean Joseph Smith

Miramichi, New Brunswick

René Smith

René Smith

Major (Retired) René Smith has volunteered his time for many years with The Royal Canadian Legion and the National Association of Federal Retirees. 

Upon retirement from a 33-year military career in 1998, he volunteered his time with the National Association of Federal Retirees. He began as treasurer, was association president for 13 years and is currently president of the Miramichi branch. Part of the mandate of this organization is to ensure Veterans of the Canadian Armed Forces, the RCMP and their families receive the care and benefits they deserve. 

He has also been a long-time contributing member to The Royal Canadian Legion, Chatham branch. The contributions of his financial prowess were instrumental in helping the branch when it was in major decline. Thanks to his sound financial policies, the branch is financially stable and has raised over $400,000 for a new building. Since he joined the Legion in 1998, he has spent approximately 15 hours a week on bookkeeping alone.

Major Smith has also served in the role of service officer with the Legion for approximately 10 years. In the role, he volunteers many hours each week, assisting Veterans with the paperwork required to apply for and maintain their benefits.