Ronald Arthur Jewell

Mr. Ronald Arthur Jewell’s career, spanning over 28 years in the Canadian Armed Forces, took him across the globe, including Korea, Germany and Cyprus. After his retirement in 1980, he became a member of the Royal Canadian Legion, and through his volunteering efforts with the Legion, he received a Life Membership in 2004.

Mr. Jewell’s roles with the Legion have included President, Past President, 1st and 2nd Vice-President, Service Officer and Sergeant-at-Arms. His current role has him assisting with benefit requests for Veterans, widows and their families. He is also part of the Youth Education role within the Legion, which promotes Remembrance Day through literary and public speaking competitions in schools.

He is involved in organizing the local Remembrance Day services and is the Parade Marshall for the Legion and the Southwold War Memorial Committee. He is also involved in the annual Veterans Dinner held at the Legion.

In 2008, he created a charter group to bring together Veterans for comradeship in Southwestern Ontario, overseeing the group as President.

Through the help of the City Hall and the Poppy Fund, Mr. Jewell was able to update the city’s cenotaph, which includes Afghanistan, NATO and United Nations peacekeeper names and dates, in time for the pinning of the first poppy in 2016. Mr. Jewell spends his spare time visiting Veterans at the local care home.