Sammy Sampson

Limoges, Ontario

Sammy Sampson

Sammy Sampson

Warrant Officer (Retired) Sammy Sampson is a lead organizer and visionary behind the establishment of the Rwanda Veterans Association of Canada and has served as vice-president for 10 years. 

The principal objectives of the association are to promote the healing and wellness of injured Canadian Veterans, to commemorate and recognize their accomplishments during the extremely difficult mission in Rwanda, and to relate the notable accomplishments of Canadian Veterans to the Canadian population. These objectives inspire his tireless efforts. 

He has helped support many Veterans who find themselves experiencing the adverse effects of PTSD. He has performed significant research on behalf of his fellow Veterans which has resulted in many of them receiving benefits from Veterans Affairs Canada. He has also organized events for Veterans of the mission to Rwanda to promote mental health wellness. 

With the Canadian Military Engineers Association, he serves as the vice-president of Veterans support. 

With the Persian Gulf Veterans of Canada, WO Sampson was the lead researcher and organizer for a Parliamentary petition on behalf of Gulf War Veterans to have their service considered as wartime service. 

With the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs, he has been a strong advocate for better benefits and has developed a pension disparity calculator to help calculate financial differences in injury compensation.