Stephen Wilson

Springfield, New Brunswick

Mr. Stephen Wilson is a recently retired modern history teacher at Belleisle Regional School in Springfield, New Brunswick. He is a remarkable ambassador for engaging youth in remembrance and continues to promote an understanding of the significance of our country’s military heritage in Canadian life as we know it today.

Beginning in 2008, the students of Belleisle Regional School completed biographies for more than 150 First and Second World War soldiers as well as created over 125 videos from these biographies which have been uploaded to YouTube. Their efforts are part of the “Lest We Forget” project initiated by Mr. Blake Seaward, a history teacher in Smiths Falls, Ontario. Mr. Wilson led Belleisle Regional School, year after year, in actively researching those who served, sometimes bringing a face to individuals commemorated on the Canadian Virtual War Memorial who has no photos or background. The students carried out all of the research and often spoke with the family of the fallen. They presented their work during the week prior to Remembrance Day at their school and at the neighbouring elementary school, expanding the impact of their efforts beyond their own classroom. Students continue to receive letters of thanks from families who have discovered the biographies on the Canadian Virtual War Memorial and the videos on YouTube.

Currently, Mr. Wilson is on the Board of Directors with the 8th Hussars Museum in Sussex, New Brunswick. He conducts research, exhibit renewal and school presentations in an effort to keep the memory and sacrifices of Veterans and the fallen alive for future generations.