Victoria (Vicki) Ryan

Ottawa, Ontario

In 2013, with approval from her chain of command,  Captain Vicki Ryan (Retired) founded Soldiers Helping Soldiers, a volunteer group of serving members who patrolled Ottawa in search of homeless Veterans, helping to connect them with the resources they required. Identifying over 300 homeless Veterans in three years, this small group founded by Vicki assisted countless Veterans in Ottawa and changed many lives. Thanks to Vicki’s vision, Soldiers Helping Soldiers has grown and now has chapters in Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver.

Captain Vicki Ryan (Retired) founded Veterans Helping Veterans in 2013. While serving in the Canadian Armed Forces, Vicki noticed many homeless Veterans in Ottawa’s downtown. She approached her chain of command to secure approval for periodic volunteer walkabouts in uniform to seek and assist these Veterans. Vicki rallied a number of partner organizations, including Veterans Affairs Canada, The Legion, Ottawa Community Police services, shelters and more to identify and help the Veterans in need. In three years, this small group identified over 300 homeless Veterans in Ottawa.

With the knowledge of this overwhelming stat, Veterans Helping Veterans partnered with community groups to create Top Cover, a Veterans’ drop-in program where individuals could receive a hot meal, clean clothes, access to counselling and help connecting to further resources. Vicki advocated for funding and worked with Support Our Troops and Renos for Heroes to renovate and add a bathroom to the community hub.

Vicki’s work assisted Veterans who were otherwise unidentified and left to their over devices. While she has had to take a step back from her efforts, thanks to her vision and tenacity Soldiers Helping Soldiers is now an established not for profit with chapters in Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver and continues to help Veterans who need it the most.