Frequently Asked Questions

Is WVA payable outside Canada?

To qualify to receive WVA while you are outside of Canada, you must already be in receipt of WVA and you must have lived in Canada for a minimum of 12 months.

A short absence (e.g. a vacation) typically has no impact. However, if you are planning to be away from Canada for an extended period, please contact us to ensure we can process any changes to your account (e.g. a new mailing address) in a timely manner.

For Allied Veterans:
We cannot provide WVA to you while you are outside of Canada due to legislative restrictions.

If accepted for WVA, will I qualify for any other programs?

Once you qualify for WVA, you may also qualify for other benefits such as healthcare and the Veterans Independence Program.

Do I have the right to appeal the Department's decision on my request for WVA?

If you are not satisfied with our decision, you can appeal to the Director General, Field Operations. Your letter of decision from Veterans Affairs Canada will inform you of how to do this.

If you are not satisfied with the Review Decision, you may then appeal to the Veterans Review and Appeal Board

Read more about your rights