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Canadian Virtual War Memorial

Robert Andrew Lindsay

In memory of:

Lieutenant Robert Andrew Lindsay

March 8, 1945

Military Service






The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) of Canada

Additional Information


April 5, 1922
Montreal, Quebec


August 18, 1942
Montreal South, Quebec

Commemorated on Page 535 of the Second World War Book of Remembrance. Request a copy of this page. Download high resolution copy of this page.

Burial Information



Grave Reference:

Panel 10.


During the Second World War, many thousands of men and women from all countries of the British Commonwealth and Empire lost their lives in trying to repel the German invasion of the Netherlands and Belgium in 1940, and in the ensuing struggle to liberate the occupied countries. Some 11,000 of these have their graves in Belgium and nearly 20,000 lie in the Netherlands. Of this number, there are over 1,000 who have no known grave. The Groesbeek Memorial, which stands in Groesbeek Canadian War Cemetery, about 10 kilometres south-east of the Dutch town of Nijmegen, commemorates by name these members of the Commonwealth land forces who died during the campaign in North-West Europe between the time of crossing the Seine at the end of August 1944, and the end of the war in Europe. The Groesbeek Memorial consists of twin colonnaded buildings which face each other across the turfed forecourt of the Groesbeek Canadian War Cemetery, between the entrance and the Stone of Remembrance. The names of the men commemorated are inscribed in panels of Portland stone built into the rear walls, and within each building are inscribed the words:

The walls bear the names of the soldiers
Of the British Commonwealth and Empire
Who fell in the advance from the river seine
Through the low countries and into Germany
But to whom the fortune of war denied
A known and honoured grave.
30TH AUGUST 1944 - 5TH MAY 1945

Information courtesy of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.

Digital Collection

Send us your images

  • Photo of Robert Lindsay– Black & White photo of  Lt. Robert "Robin' (Andrew) Lindsay in Black Watch uniform
  • Memorial– Lt. Robert "Robin' (Andrew) Lindsay (Born: 1922- MIA: 1945
Headstone at the  Dr. Lionel and Mrs Dorothy Lindsay Family plot, at the Mount Royal Cemetery, Montreal, QC. 
Was taken as POW while leading a patrol behind enemy  lines.  Believed to have been shot while trying to escape from a moving prisoner train,  just 6 months shy of war's end in Sept 1945.  
Son, Brother, Uncle, Soldier, Warrior, Patriot.  
(Also memorialized at Groesbeek Canadian War Cemetery, near Nijmegen, Netherlands)
  • Newspaper clipping– From the Montreal Star. Submitted for the project Operation Picture Me
  • Biography– Bishop's University 1942 yearbook biography for Robin Lindsay

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