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The Woods Plaque/Restoration of The Woods Plaque

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  • The Woods Plaque
    (Click for more images)
  • Restoration of the Woods Plaque

Municipality/Province: Chilliwack, BC

Memorial number: 59006-042

Type: Plaques (on plinths)

Address: Tamihi Way and Garrison Boulevard

GPS coordinates: Lat: 49.1074231   Long: -121.9676309

The Woods Plaque and Restoration of "The Woods" Plaque were installed as part of the Garrison Crossing Legacy Walk.

Inscription found on memorial

[plaque at Tamihi Way]

The Woods

Known simply as "The Woods" by residents, this natural stand of native conifers has colonized the site since the early 1900s. "The Woods" consists largely of Douglas Fir, the most commercially important species in the west coast logging industry. This stand offers an opportunity to see all of British Columbia's native confierous species in one place, including Douglas Fir, Western Hemlock, Western Red Cedar, as well as the rare Grand Fir and Sitka Spruce. The Bigleaf Maple and Paper Birch trees also found in this second-growth stand are now yielding to these longer-lived and more dominant conifers. The Woods have long been a favoured play area for children of military families who were posted to Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Chilliwack, and were retained in Garrison Crossing as an important community green space. This maturing forest reflects the natural history and habitat in the surrounding mountains and the Fraser Valley.


[plaque at 5806 Garrison Boulevard]


Restoration of "The Woods"

This magical woodlot known as "The Woods" in military times
was a popular and imaginative gathering place where the
children of the Mitchell Gardens community came to play. It
was a remnant forest stand on the edge of the base property
when the first PMQs were constructed in the mid 1940s. As
surrounding property was acquired by the federal government
to meet the demands of a growing installation, the woodlot
became centrally located within the community. Extensive use
over the years had destroyed much of the undergrowth. It was
sensitively restored to its local native ecology with the planting
of over 7,000 trees, shrubs and ground-cover in 2007 during
the redevelopment of the former military base lands. A network
of walking paths and benches was also added as part of the
Garrison Crossing legacy to enjoy this special place for years
to come. Today, this 2.3 acre (.93 ha) suburban forest now
commonly called the "Tree Park", is owned and managed by
the City. Please stay on the paths.

Restauration du boisé  « The Woods »

Connu sous le nom de « The Woods » à l'époque de la base
militaire, ce magnifique site boisé était un des endroits favoris
des enfants du quarier Mitchell Gardens, qui venaient y jouer.
C'était un reste de al forêt qui entourait la base quand les
premiers logements militaires ont été construits, au milieu des
années 1940. Quand le gouvernement fédéral acheta la
propriété voisine pour répondre aux besoins grandissants de
l'installation, le boisé se retrouva au cœr de la communauté.
Au fil des ans, le sous-bois a souffert de l'utilisation intense
du secteur. On a voulu restaurer le sous-bois en se souciant
de l'écologie locale et, durant le réaménagement des terrains
de l'ancienne base en 2007, on y a donc planté plus de 7 000
arbres, arbustes et plantes couvre-sol. Un réseau de sentiers
et des bans ont été aussi installés, pour rendre hommage au
passé de Garrison Crossing et pour faire de cet endroit un lieu
agréable à l'avenir. Aujourd'hui, ce boisé aubain de 2.3 acres
(.93 ha) est connu sous le nom de « Tree Park », et appartient
à la Ville. Veuillez rester sur les sentiers.


Street view


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