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2919 results returned within branch Army
Basic Training

Basic Training

Mr. Schreyer talks about his experience in basic training as a new recruit and the discipline he had to learn.

Camouflage lessons came in handy

Camouflage lessons came in handy

Mr. Savage reminisces about his First World War experience and his encounter with a Second World War returnee whom he had trained for battle.

Escaping under the barbed wire.

Escaping under the barbed wire.

Mr. Savage describes his barbed wire repair crew coming under machine gun attack, and his efforts to get his crew back to the safety of their trench.

He was crying, scared to death!

He was crying, scared to death!

Mr. Savage describes the circumstances of his being wounded during a barrage at Albert, and being treated in the Casualty Clearing Station.

A Gun Sergeant’s Duty

A Gun Sergeant’s Duty

Mr. Bannerman speaks about his responsibility as a gun sergeant and the loyalty of the crew during wartime service.

My Best Friend Clifford Cushing

My Best Friend Clifford Cushing

Mr. Young speaks about his strong bond of friendship with his fellow soldier and recites a poem he wrote about his friend killed in Normandy, 1944

Getting Wounded

Getting Wounded

Mr. Baker speaks about getting wounded in Italy while riding his motorcycle and how they evacuated the wounded from the battle field.

Responsibility of the 8th Canadian Reconnaissance Regiment

Responsibility of the 8th Canadian Reconnaissance Regiment

Mr. Young speaks about his pride for the regiment and identifies the role they played during battles in seeking out the enemy.

Wounded by Shrapnel

Wounded by Shrapnel

Mr. Young describes being wounded in Normandy and how doctors considered him a lucky man to have survived the encounter.

Being in Battle

Being in Battle

Mr. Baker describes what it’s like to be in battle - the lack of food, the fear and the reality of life in the army. As Mr. Baker says, "You never know when you're gonna get it."

The Soldiers Who Came Before Me

The Soldiers Who Came Before Me

Mr. Campbell expresses the pride and respect he has for the soldiers who served before him in the Canadian Forces.

The Value of Ration Packs

The Value of Ration Packs

Mr. Campbell explains the reluctance he felt when eating ration packs knowing that the children of Baladwayne had nothing.

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