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2919 results returned within branch Army
Issuing Weapons

Issuing Weapons

Mr. Quick goes to get his weapon and they try to give him a rifle. He refuses to take it and explains why.

You’re Nuts!

You’re Nuts!

Mr. Quick describes strategies he used to film events in the battlefield. He also talks about how some of the infantry thought he was nuts for doing what he was doing.

Two Ships Were Hit

Two Ships Were Hit

Mr. Quick describes going to Italy in a convoy, being dive bombed, and seeing his first dead soldiers near their camp in Campobasso.

Learning to Protect Yourself

Learning to Protect Yourself

Mr. Quick talks about joining the Film and Photo Unit and some of the training he got from the British Army Film and Photo Unit.

Threatened With Death!

Threatened With Death!

Mr. Paterson talks about his life being threatened after sending troops in to no man’s land to pick up oil drums.

UN vs NATO Operation

UN vs NATO Operation

Mr. Paterson talks about the differences between working for the UN vs NATO.



Mr. Blackburn talks about what prompted him to enlist when he did (in 1940).

Dedication to Duty

Dedication to Duty

Mr Parker talks about a soldier in his platoon who literally lacked a sense of fear. His fearlessness was unexplainable, and he died in a most unusual way.

Saving a family

Saving a family

Mr. Parker talks about moving down the line and helping an Italian family, who had lost all their possessions to the Germans, and had their house blown up by the Canadians.

Message to Youth

Message to Youth

Mr. Spear is asked what he would say to young Canadians of today.

German Surrender

German Surrender

Mr. Spear recalls the surrender of the German Army near Mons, Belgium in 1918. He also tells of his participation in the army of occupation in Germany following the signing of the Armistice.

Division Transfer Request

Division Transfer Request

Mr. Spear requested a transfer to a wireless section of the 5th Canadian Division in order to gain a posting to the front line trenches.

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