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2919 results returned within branch Army
German POW

German POW

Now Captain, his troops had moved to Holland, near the town of Arnhem. Mr. Murray relates a chilling account of a confrontation with a German who has been taken a prisoner of war.

Prisoner of the Japanese

Prisoner of the Japanese

Ms. Cook talks about her friend and the rough time she had when she was captured in Hong Kong.

Peace is declared

Peace is declared

Nora Cook talks about the end of the war, and how tired everyone was. They got a leave, and she had the chance to go to Ireland, but decided to come home instead. Ms. Cook was treated like a hero when she came home, but felt that she had only done what everyone else had done. She was just glad to be home.

Training in Pusan

Training in Pusan

Mr. Chrysler describes his arrival in Pusan, the initial mountain training and the horror of seeing hundred of starving children in the streets.

End of First World War

End of First World War

Mr. Chapman recalls the end of the First World War and his eventual return to Canada.

Vimy Ridge

Vimy Ridge

Mr. Chapman recalls his involvement in the famous Battle of Vimy Ridge.

Last Days of War.  Remembering Comrades.

Last Days of War. Remembering Comrades.

Mr. Berard remembers the last days of the war, in Holland and also reflects on how difficult it was for the men who had served together for so long to go their separate ways at the end of the war.

Rimini Airport

Rimini Airport

Mr. Berard relates that the effort to take Rimini Airport was not easy.

Entering Rome

Entering Rome

Mr. Berard remembers being among some of the first troops to enter Rome.

Building and Repairing Bridges

Building and Repairing Bridges

Mr. Berard outlines his duties as part of the Royal Canadian Engineers.

Engineer Duties

Engineer Duties

Mr. Berard outlines his duties as part of the Royal Canadian Engineers.

Dakota C47 Recovery

Dakota C47 Recovery

Mr. Leavey speaks about the Dakota recovery and remains of KN563 crew in Burma.

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