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2919 results returned within branch Army
First Time On Watch

First Time On Watch

Mr. Brinson describes being placed on watch, and looking like an experienced soldier in his new uniform. He fails to salute an officer, who soon realizes he's a novice. The officer then offers Mr. Brinson some advice about maintaining his uniform.

Travelling to St. John's to Enlist

Travelling to St. John's to Enlist

Mr. Brinson describes his train voyage to St. John's, being assisted by a soldier once there, and getting a complete uniform when he enlisted the following day.

Importance of Sterilization

Importance of Sterilization

Mr. Gourlay speaks about the many diseases affecting the soldiers and the importance of water sterilization.

Hard Labour for Young Girls

Hard Labour for Young Girls

Mr. Gourlay speaks about the role of the young women and the hard labour they endured.

Sandstorms and Flying Ants

Sandstorms and Flying Ants

Mr. Gourlay describes the type of living conditions experienced within their headquarters.

Egyptian Customs

Egyptian Customs

Mr. Gourlay describes the customs of the Egyptian people and the implications thrust upon one another if they are disrespected.

Arriving in Egypt

Arriving in Egypt

Mr. Gourlay speaks about his first impressions of Egypt and UN presence.

Friendly Fire

Friendly Fire

Mr. Adamson talks about the last day he spent in Germany.

Training in Kingston, Ontario

Training in Kingston, Ontario

Mr. Adamson tells a funny story about the shooting range.

I Was Lucky All The Time

I Was Lucky All The Time

Mr. Ferguson discusses how lucky he felt he'd been and gives two good examples. The first is when a German shell lands at his feet and fails to explode. The second is having his great coat riddled by a strafing German airplane yet leaving him unharmed.

My Hands Turned Black

My Hands Turned Black

Mr. Ferguson describes stealing a pair of boots, and after returning them being tightly lashed to a wagon wheel as punishment.

His Head Split in Two

His Head Split in Two

Mr. Ferguson describes being designated to tend a mule which becomes the unfortunate victim of a German shell fragment.

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