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3030 results returned within war Second World War
Arriving in Hong Kong

Arriving in Hong Kong

Mr. McGee recalls an eight mile march to their camp but he was lucky enough to get a drive with Headquarters Company.

Weather Conditions & Arriving Overseas

Weather Conditions & Arriving Overseas

Mr. McGee describes how hot it was arriving overseas and the problems they had keeping their guns dry.

Heading Overseas

Heading Overseas

Mr. McGee explains the ship ride overseas and how people were jumping overboard.

Grave or Waste Dump

Grave or Waste Dump

Mr. Bevan recalls how a German POW made to dig a waste dump, didn’t realize what he was digging.

Almost Stepped on a Mine

Almost Stepped on a Mine

Mr. Bevan recalls a near miss with a land mine while positioning guns.

Victim of Friendly Fire

Victim of Friendly Fire

Mr. Bevan describes how his division, along with other troops, were the victims of friendly fire from bombers during the attack on Falaise.

Almost Didn’t Survive The Trip Overseas

Almost Didn’t Survive The Trip Overseas

Mr. Bevan describes embarking for the journey overseas, and a close call during a storm.

Using Better Judgement

Using Better Judgement

A story telling how important it is to remember the past and not make the same mistakes of causing war.

Message to the Young

Message to the Young

Mr. Chase gives the message his parents gave him and the message he gave his kids.

Back in the Air Force

Back in the Air Force

After finishing school with a degree in psychology, Mr. Chase was asked to rejoin the air force . He then joined the Search and Rescue.

Back to School

Back to School

After returning to civilian life, Mr. Chase went back to school and then University where he met his wife of 59 years at a school dance.



Mr. Chase tells of how close soldiers got with each other to form lifelong friendships.

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