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3030 results returned within war Second World War
I Wanted the Full Wing

I Wanted the Full Wing

Mr. Thorne discusses the selection criteria for supplying air crews, and why he was chosen for wireless air gunner training.



Mr. Jacobs shares his positive attitude towards treatment amongst his fellow soldiers.

Bonding Like Brothers

Bonding Like Brothers

Mrs. Jackson speaks about the bond of friendship formed amongst the burn patients of East Grinstead and the “brotherly love” they had for one another.

Personal Strength

Personal Strength

Mrs. Jackson explains the personal strength she received in dealing with these burned victims and how their strength helped her carry on.

Taking the Bandages Off

Taking the Bandages Off

Mrs. Jackson talks about being at the bedside of a patient when the bandages were to be removed from his face and the emotional impact it made.

Experimental Surgery

Experimental Surgery

Mrs. Jackson explains the type of surgeries provided by the doctors and the positive atmosphere in the ward amongst the burned men.

Getting the Wrong Treatment

Getting the Wrong Treatment

Mrs. Jackson tells about the wrong treatment being provided to the burned men in respect to saline baths and how the two doctors offered to take them to East Grinstead and begin rebuilding their bodies.

The Two Doctors

The Two Doctors

Mrs. Jackson expresses her sincere respect and opinions on what the two doctors, Dr. McIndoe and Dr. Tilley did for the men of East Grinstead, making them feel worthy apart from their devastating disfigurements.

Dying Far From Home

Dying Far From Home

On Remembrance Day Ms. Sloan expresses her compassion for the men that didn’t come back home and for the soldiers who got home, but still suffered.

The Dutch Appreciation

The Dutch Appreciation

Ms. Sloan describes a very moving celebration when the villagers came out to show their appreciation to the Canadian soldiers.

Comforting The Wounded

Comforting The Wounded

Ms. Sloan shares the compassion provided to the wounded and the strong sense of respect they felt from the injured young men.

Diphtheria Epidemic

Diphtheria Epidemic

Ms. Sloan describes her medical involvement during a diphtheria epidemic during the “push to the Rhine” and how fortunate they were to have sufficient supplies of penicillin, penathol and plasma to treat the casualties

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