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3030 results returned within war Second World War
Photos and correspondence

Photos and correspondence

Ms. Orford describes how the military and media often photographed and printed pictures of events in her rehab center. She also describes being contacted by a woman who wrote to every service person she saw in the newspaper.

First posting

First posting

Ms. Orford describes her first posting to the Oakville Casualty Retraining Center, where she provided physiotherapy to soldiers injured at neighboring training camps.

Atomic Bomb

Atomic Bomb

Mr. Bourbonniere talks about what it was like seeing some of the aftermath of the atomic bomb.

Forty nine pound sledge hammer

Forty nine pound sledge hammer

Mr. Bourbonniere tells a story about working with a sledge hammer and getting punished by a guard.

On a boat to Japan

On a boat to Japan

Mr. Bourbonniere talks about the conditions on the boat on the way to Japan with the other prisoners.

His brother Hector

His brother Hector

Mr. Bourbonniere tells a story about helping his sick brother before he left on a boat for Japan.

Soldier shell shocked

Soldier shell shocked

Mr. Bourbonniere stumbles upon a fellow soldier and he tries to help.

The Flag in Shreds

The Flag in Shreds

Mr. Dungey shares a funny story about forgetting to take the flag down from top of aircraft during a dignitary flight and how it wound up in shreds.

News of the Arrow No More

News of the Arrow No More

Mr. Dungey shares his conversation with Minister of National Defense when the Arrow aircraft was no longer supported, a sad day for Canada

Flying On Rotation

Flying On Rotation

Mr. Dungey explains how the flight rotations and maintenance of aircraft was handled.

The Task of Paratrooping

The Task of Paratrooping

Mr. Dungey explains the situation of having to drop paratroopers into confined areas

Joy in Providing A Cigarette

Joy in Providing A Cigarette

Among the injured, Mr. Dungey shares a story of providing cigarettes - Canadian brand or otherwise!

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