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3030 results returned within war Second World War
Everything Was Made Right

Everything Was Made Right

Mr. Carr describes how a chance visit from Canada's Minister of Defence improved conditions for Canadian soldiers in Italy.

Canned Bacon!

Canned Bacon!

Mr. Carr describes poor food, the illness that often resulted and an odd way of ensuring you were cured

Holland Celebrates

Holland Celebrates

Mr. Carr describes action in Holland as the war was ending.

An Audience With the Pope

An Audience With the Pope

Mr. Carr describes his trip to the Vatican including an audience with the Pope

The Canadians Were Given the Job

The Canadians Were Given the Job

Mr. Carr describes the assault on and taking of Monte Cassino, and cleaning out Ortona

Conditions in Italy

Conditions in Italy

Mr. Carr describes Italy's terrain, living conditions and socialization

A Change of Regiments

A Change of Regiments

Mr. Carr describes basic training and switching regiments.

Small Port of Dieppe

Small Port of Dieppe

Mr. Field goes over to the continent after the summer of 1944, and lands at Dieppe.

Awaiting the War

Awaiting the War

Mr. Field talks about people in high school enlisting, and describes he and his father enlisting in 1943.

The War Was Coming

The War Was Coming

Mr. Field talks about knowing the war was coming, and describes reading about it in the newspaper and talking about it.

Six More Confirmed

Six More Confirmed

Before the end of his first tour of duty in August 1944, Mr. Lindsey accumulated another 6 aircraft "confirmed kills" and a further 4 "probables". He recalls the one mission that especially stands out in his memory - a mission that resulted in his shooting down three enemy aircraft.

His First Confirmed Kill

His First Confirmed Kill

Mr. Lindsey describes the events surrounding his first experience of shooting down a German aircraft... and his reaction to the "kill".

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