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3030 results returned within war Second World War
Transportation on the airbase

Transportation on the airbase

Mr.Snell talks about how the air crew used bicycles for transportation around the base.

Post War Reflections

Post War Reflections

Mr. Snell reflects on whether the war was worth the amount of lives lost, and the relationships between the crew.

D-Day reflections

D-Day reflections

Mr. Snell talks about what the atmosphere was like just prior to D-Day, and one of the big events for bomber command post D-Day.

Dangers of Bombing Operations

Dangers of Bombing Operations

Mr. Snell talks about the 157 airplanes and 900 air crew lost in three years, and the danger of the bombing operations over Berlin.



Mr. Snell talks about the pathfinders and the accomplishments of their missions.

405 Squadron

405 Squadron

Mr. Snell describes basic duties of the ground crew, and the responsibility he had becoming a Sergeant at the age of 21.

Offensive Strike

Offensive Strike

Mr. Snell talks about being rotated onto a base after Digby and recalls an offensive strike that occurred there.

Lone bomber attack on the airbase

Lone bomber attack on the airbase

Mr. Snell recalls witnessing a lone bomber attacking his base on two occasions.

Red Alert in Digby

Red Alert in Digby

Mr.Snell talks about being sent to Digby after the Battle of Britain and the roles the ground crew played to get the flight crews ready for missions while on Red Alert.

Impending Invasion

Impending Invasion

Mr.Snell recalls how the ground crew were concerned that they were expected to defend the airbase if an invasion occurred.

Armed at all times

Armed at all times

Mr.Snell recalls having to be armed at all times while working on the planes, in case of an invasion on the airbase.

Lysander Air plane

Lysander Air plane

Mr.Snell discusses the Lysander Air plane.

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