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3030 results returned within war Second World War
The Other Side of War

The Other Side of War

Mrs. Jackson expresses how thankful she was to be part of the social network for the Guinea Pigs and the opportunity it provided to see another side of war, a positive one.

Strength of People in London

Strength of People in London

Mrs. Jackson emphasizes the strength and encouragement given to the Guinea pigs by people in London, comparing it to the wonderful source of strength that Churchill, King and Queen had for their country.

Speaking to School Children

Speaking to School Children

Mr. Dingwell discusses the curiosity of school children about the war, and his pleasure at being invited to tell his story at local schools.

New Clothes for the Homecoming

New Clothes for the Homecoming

Mr. Dingwell describes being outfitted in a flashy new suit for the voyage back to Newfoundland, but waiting until his arrival home to wear it.

Getting to Naples

Getting to Naples

Mr. Dingwell describes his voyage from England to Naples, Italy aboard HMS Duchess of Bedford.

Civilians Suffered

Civilians Suffered

Mr. Dingwell describes the plight of civilians who become the victims of armed conflict, and in particular talks about infant children who are commemorated on a “wall of pictures” which he sees on a later pilgrimage.

Training in England

Training in England

Mr. Dingwell describes training as a truck driver with the 166th Battalion after his arrival in England.

Code and Cypher Clerk Duties

Code and Cypher Clerk Duties

Mrs. McCauley explains her daily routine as a code and cypher clerk expressing her sadness when having to work with the casualty listings.

Destined for England

Destined for England

Mrs. McCauley expresses her excitement while travelling overseas on the Mauretania and her accommodations upon arrival in Liverpool, England.

Double Pay and Greater Security

Double Pay and Greater Security

Mr. Tanner describes switching to the tanker fleet because the pay doubled and the ships were better protected because of the value placed on fuel.

Praise for Corvettes and Crews

Praise for Corvettes and Crews

Mr. Tanner discusses the admiration he has for the seaworthiness of Canada’s Naval Corvettes, and the bravery of their crews.

Thoughts on Heroism

Thoughts on Heroism

Mr. Tanner offers some general comments on heroism, and then discusses the extremes gone to survive twenty-four days in a life boat without food and water.

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