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4752 results returned
What’s your army number and rank?

What’s your army number and rank?

Mr. Macdougall discusses the consequences of insubordination.

Normally It’s An Officer

Normally It’s An Officer

Mr. Connelly describes his first tour in Cyprus, loyalty and a deadly incident.

Nothing You Could Do

Nothing You Could Do

Mr. Connelly describes the sometimes tragic results of living in isolation.

Patrolling Korea

Patrolling Korea

Mr. Connelly discusses reconnaissance patrols in Korea.

Foundations of Leadership

Foundations of Leadership

Mr. Connelly discusses his philosophy of leadership and its foundations.

Battling the enemy

Battling the enemy

Mr. Richard talks about his first taste of battle, in Italy, and encountering the enemy in battle at the age of 15.

Storm at Sea

Storm at Sea

Mr. Keith recalls the worst storm he sailed though, at the wheel 2 hours on, 2 off for 4 days.

Baptism by Depth Charges

Baptism by Depth Charges

Mr. Keith describes his eventful first day on the Thunder - hunting for a submarine outside Halifax Harbour, and the ship nearly being damaged by it's own depth charges.

The Irony of War / Victoria Cross

The Irony of War / Victoria Cross

Mr. Allen's account of a bomber crash leading to the awarding of the Victoria Cross.

"A Tough Old Bird..."

"A Tough Old Bird..."

Mr. Allen discusses the structure and modifications which made the Wellington into an excellent bomber.

An Island unto Itself

An Island unto Itself

Mr. Allen describes the isolation of the Wellington Bomber's rear turret as well as its armaments and capabilities.

A Versatile crew

A Versatile crew

Mr. Allen discusses the shared responsibilities of the members of his air crew.

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