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4752 results returned
Lone Gun

Lone Gun

While on their way to the bombing target, Hamburg, Germany, the planes flew over an empty air field , but their was one gun who shot down the plane that was beside him in the air.

Fighter Training

Fighter Training

Mr. Western talks about how they were going through training over Scotland and how this fighter pilot did not pull out of his dive.

Flying as a Spare

Flying as a Spare

One day Mr. Western was called in to the gunnery office and told he was to fly as a spare for another crew but luckily for him it never happened.

Close Call During A Daylight Run

Close Call During A Daylight Run

During a daylight run Mr. Western and the crew had a very close call when another bomber was flying at the wrong bombing height and dropped their bombs directly above Mr. Western's plane.

Caught in the Search Lights

Caught in the Search Lights

Mr. Western tells us what it’s like to get caught in a spotlight and how hard it was to get out of the cone of lights.

Heavy Fighting

Heavy Fighting

Mr. Western talks about one night of heavy fighting , when another air plane was shot down and the radio from the plane was on. Everyone heard the tail gunner and pilot plunging to their death.

Shot Down!

Shot Down!

On one of his missions Mr. Western’s plane was shot down by a German 88. He tells us what happened in the air and on the ground.

Getting Crewed Up

Getting Crewed Up

After graduating from training each member has to be crewed up. Mr. Western tells us about the process they used to select their crew.

Vaccine Flu

Vaccine Flu

Mr. Western talks about being in the hospital one night when London was being bombed. They could not be moved to the bomb shelter so he and another soldier were left in their beds with only one very brave nurse to stay with them.

War Is Declared

War Is Declared

Mr. Western recalls going for a bike ride with his father in England and being in a little town the day war was declared.

Message to Youth

Message to Youth

Mr. Spear passes on a message to youth, to appreciate all that they have and to enjoy their freedom.

Not All Could Serve

Not All Could Serve

Mr. Spear reflects on his impressions of individual's contributions to the War effort; specifically, how it took him some time to understand and appreciate that for various reasons, not everyone could contribute as directly as he and other troops did.

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