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4752 results returned
Celebrating Christmas with a Duet

Celebrating Christmas with a Duet

Mr. Snell tells of the memorable time at sea during Christmas when he was given the opportunity to sing a duet with Captain Miller.

Always in a State of Readiness

Always in a State of Readiness

Mr. Snell describes the roles and responsibility of his position on board ship, including always being in a state of readiness to assist others.

Rigorous Sea Training as well as Downtime.

Rigorous Sea Training as well as Downtime.

As the HMCS Athabaskan crew sail towards the Persian Gulf, Mr. Snell speaks about the day to day routine on the ship and the opportunity to meet the gully gully man.

Chosen as Part of the Persian Gulf Contingent

Chosen as Part of the Persian Gulf Contingent

Mr. Snell explains the process he went through in becoming part of the crew on the HMCS Athabaskan and the work required in a short period of time before embarkment.

Remembrance Moments - Vimy Ridge

Remembrance Moments - Vimy Ridge

Canada at Vimy Ridge

CPKN - Back in Step

CPKN - Back in Step

This video discusses the challenges Veterans face when transitioning from military service, specifically homelessness. It provides information about the programs and services offered by Veterans Affairs Canada to assist with that transition. Includes interviews with Veterans who had struggled with homelessness and their success stories.

November 11th for us is Everyday

November 11th for us is Everyday

Mr. Drapeau shares his thoughts on Remembrance Day.

Eye Opening Experiences

Eye Opening Experiences

Mr. Drapeau tells of his experiences during service time and the feelings of helplessness that occurred.

My Dog Makes a Huge Difference in my Life

My Dog Makes a Huge Difference in my Life

With Kenya by his side, Mr. Drapeau shares his story of how having the company of a dog has changed his life.

Best Aspects of Time in Cyprus

Best Aspects of Time in Cyprus

Mr. Drapeau shares his story of timeless friendships and the importance of not judging others.

Understanding the Rules of Engagement

Understanding the Rules of Engagement

Mr. Drapeau provides a great understanding of the rules of engagement and importance of making the right decision.

Breaking the Wall Against PTSD

Breaking the Wall Against PTSD

Mr. Drapeau shares some personal moments regarding his illness and how the memories never go away.

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